Grand Island Lions Board Meeting Minutes 2016


BOD Meeting: 01/27/2016
Miracle League:  Fundraiser 50/50 tickets at the Sabres game, April 8th, 6 participating.
Treasurers Report:
Lion Tom got a letter from PDG Gary Carini for the start up of a “Beeper Ball” blind baseball league at the Miracle League ield.  He is asking for 3 clubs to sponsor this endeavor to buy the necessary equipment at the cost of $500.  General interest is still questionable.  He plans on contacting the Miracle League Board if he gets the interest from the Clubs in District 20N.  Lion Tom will get paperwork together for Ray Wheeler Foundation for a $500 matching grant.  Lion Donna will include this in the email vote.
Welfare fund balance:  $3262.53 General Fund with 2 outstanding bills, International dues and NYS dues, totaling Approximately $800, current balance is $1647.50. 
 Lion Tom would like to submit paperwork for a $2000 from the Brandel Murphy Youth Foundation for the SKP.
Motion to adjourn Lion Shelia:  8:45, seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor

Regular/board meeting Feb 24,2016 at the BLC
In attendance: Lions Tom R, Shelia , Paul B, Tom W, Fred R, Mike S, Bob G, Brooks R, Paul K and Anne F.
The meeting was called to order at 7:10 by President Rusert. He introduced the guest speaker, Mike Robinson from the NY Federation for the Blind.

one item that was approved: a $25.00 quarter-page program ad for the 2016 state tournament of the League of Sightless Bowlers. Motion by Lion Mike Steinagel, second by Lion Paul Krupa, all ayes from the BOD members present, no nays or abstentions.
Lion Paul B mentioned a need to buy the kit for the peace poster contest. A motion was made by Lion Pres Tom, seconded by Paul K to approve the kit money as well as keeping the prize money the same as before. The vote was unanimous in favor.
Lion Anne talked about the need  for help with the basket raffle. If anyone can help by calling a few businesses for a donation, please contact her. 440-0841.
The Buffalo News Kids Day is April 26th this year. We only need 4-6 volunteers to cover the corner of Long and GI Blvd selling the newspapers. If you can't stay for the entire 3 hours that's ok . Please contact Lion Anne to volunteer.
Floyd Doring has asked if we want to have a yard sale again at the lawn mower race. The discussion was tabled until there are more members present .
Lion Tom W stated that our tax issue has been resolved. There should be no repercussions resulting from the prior years.
Lion Mike S made a motion to start a Branch Club. There was no second. It was decided that it would be discussed at a future meeting.
The speaker gave a very interesting presentation on the work of the Federation. As a blind person himself, he knows how important it is that all blind children have access to braille lessons. It is the only way they will have an opportunity to fully achieve all of their personal and professional goals.
He talked about their work to improve accessibility throughout the state as well as many more endeavors on behalf of the blind.
He was presented with a check for $100 from our club.
There was a motion to adjourn by Lion Paul k at 9:15. It was seconded by Lion Shelia
Respectfully submitted
Lion Anne


Board Meeting: March 27th 2016
not enough members for a quorum
Any voting will be done via email.
Lion Tom W NYS Convention:  4
 20 N Delegate Designation form:  2 more are eligible to vote at Sub District Conference on April 16, 2016.  Form is due by March 26, 2016.  No reservations are accepted after April 7.  Lunch is optional ($20)  A motion is not needed unless the BOD wants to pay for delegate’s lunch.
Treasurers Report:
Lion Tom shared the ledger report.
“Keep Grand Island Beating”, we have not received a response to e mail correspondence therefore
IRS status is set!
Grant request for Brandel Murphy for SKP and Ray Wheeler Beep ball has been submitted.
LCIF do we want to continue sending the LCIF magazine to various venues on GI, the school districts, town hall, senior center, GI library.  Lion Dick will check with the town hall and schools to see if the magazines are actually being delivered.  We can vote on this and another meeting. 
Lion Tom W. Requesting minor reimbursement for postage.  A motion is needed for payment.
District would like some support from area clubs to assist in the clubs that have started up at the University level.  Each club is asked to donate some money.  The cost is $31.50 per student. For dues.. Lion Tom W made a motion that we contribute $50 to support this cause.
MD 20 State convention is in Buffalo: 2 more are eligible to vote at state convention May 13-15, 2016.  Form is due April 22, 2016.  Lions must be registered to vote.  Registration is $30 per member before 4/15/2016.  Motion is needed if BOD wants to pay for registrations.
Lion Donna brought a up a possible joint project with Rotary called Alive Inside, more information to follow.
Motion adjourned:  Lion Anne,  Lion Brooks second, meeting adjourned 9:21 PM
Next meeting 4/13/16


 BOD MEETING April 13th 2016

The BOD meeting was called to order at 9:15.
Tom W moved to donate $100 to the Wheatfield blind picnic. It was seconded by Tom R and agreed to unanimously. It was also agreed that we should request a donation from them for our SPK in return.
The results of online voting :
Camp Badger raffle $50 donation from the welfare fund. Motion made by Lion Tom W.  Second by Lion Dave . Unanimous vote aye.
Motion to not renew subscription to GI schools, library, town hall, Elderwood and the Golden Age Center was made by Lion Tom W, seconded by Lion Dave. Unanimous vote aye.
Motion to pay for up to 2 Lions to vote as state convention delegates at $30 each
Was made by Lion Dave and seconded by Lion Anne. Unanimous vote aye.
A motion to adjourn was made by Tom W and seconded by Paul K at 9:35 pm.
Respectfully ,
Lion Anne Fanning
Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting May 28, 2016

Cabinet recognition Is June 3
Blind picnic in Wheatfield, June 17th.  We have contributed $100 this year to this effort.
Excalibur:  We have contributed $500.  They are having golf tournament any one interested can contact LP Tom for the details.
Lion Tom WItkowski:  Bank is requiring a stamp “For deposit only”  Lion Tom found some online for $26, Lion Dick will see if he can get them at cost.
Letter from Freedom guide Dogs, we have already contributed to this cause
Peter O’Shanneshy, A GI resident that has been visually impaired for his adult life, He is looking for help on home repairs.  He has contacted Lion Tom regarding possible help. Lion Tom referred him to 211. Lion Dick also suggested possible help from Young Life.
Lion Tom asked for input regarding the format of treasurer’s reports, no suggestions.
Next year will be our 60th year, plans are in the works to make next year special.
Our check for the Brandel Murphy check will be presented to us for the SKP. Other matching grant is for $250 Beep Ball league
August 17, District Golf outing, Motion Lion Annette to donate $50, seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor. 
Lion Tom R, suggested that perhaps some monies raised at the Hot Dog sale and garage sale, go to our General Fund.  Motion by Lion Brooks, seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor.
Installation Dinner is June 8th at Byblos.
Lion Henry, Lion Brooks, meeting adjourned 9:07 PM
Submitted By Lion Donna
Grand Island Lions BOD Meeting June 23, 2016.
 Meeting at Lion President Tom Rusert’s House and called to order at 6:45PM
Present were Lions Rusert, Crawford, Witkowski, Chervinsky, Goulding, Hahn, Lobl, Boies-Lobl, McGarvey and Ferrentino.
Lion Outgoing President Tom:
Request for Camp Smile of the Empire State Games- We have already donated.
Members Picnic as per Lion Anne needs to be Sunday July 24th. Time set at 3PM.
Lion Henry:
Recommended and made a motion for a separate line in the budget for SKP items. Lion Tom W. 2nd and indicated we have $5100 for this at the moment based upon $3100 net proceeds from Spaghetti Dinner and $2000 grant from the Brandel-Murphy Youth Foundation. Motion passed.
Lion Incoming President Dick:
Discussed important dates for the year and will send a summary.  April 24th Spaghetti Dinner, Oct 26th Gov. visit and Anniversary Dinner, August 19-20th White Cane, Oct 12th Merritton visit, and April 26th visit Merritton.
Lions Henry and Annette volunteered to Co-chair our 60th Anniversary Dinner with help of the BOD present.
 Town requested service clubs help with cleanup of garbage on the boulevard. Those who can help meet at Town Hall on July 2nd 9AM wearing Lions vests or shirts. Cleanup will go from 9-11AM.
 Discussed planting trees for the town as a Lions project. Lion Dick will have more info at the next meeting.
 We are signed up for the July 4th Parade. More info forthcoming.
Lion Shelia:
New vests needed by some members. Call out will go in the Newsletter. Lion Tom R. will call Stuarts in Lewiston so see if they could do this.
Lion Tom W:
 Made a motion that we make payments and reimbursements by check only to maintain the integrity of our club. Second by Lion Shelia and passed.
 Budget committee needs to meet. Lion Henry is Chair with members Lions Brooks, Dick, Tom W and Tom R.
 Audit needed. Committee members are Henry, Dick, Tom W, and Brooks.
 LCI recommends clubs should be bonded. Discussion questioned the necessity of this if we have two people signing checks. Lion Tom will check further and report to the club.
Lion Tom discussed old business of whether we are tax deductible. He will report.
 Islander who needs help with house maintenance. Lion Tom will follow up.
 Vision screening needs to be set up
 Lions S.E.E. needs funding for purchase of cameras and annual maintenance. Lion Tom made motions for $100 to be donated annually for maintenance of the cameras and $100 toward the purchase of new cameras. Both motions 2nd by Lion Henry and passed.
 Lions Diagnostic Eye Center in the Ross Institute have an urgent need for a second OCT Angiograph machine to diagnose eye disease. Cost is $23,000 with a balance of $9,000 needed to purchase. Lion Tom motioned we donate $1000 toward the purchase. Discussion revealed we have $1000 earmarked for the Diagnostic Center in the budget for purchase of equipment and/or for the foundation’s Humanitarian Fund and the motion earmarks this toward the purchase of the equipment. Second Lion Henry and motion passed.
 Lion Dick suggested we publicize our sight initiatives. Lions Tom W and Annette will work on this.
 Wings Flights of Hope request for donation. Lion Dave made a motion to give $100, 2nd Lion Henry and passed.
 Lion Henry pointed out our budget has $50 designated for Mercy Flight and recommend we increase to $100. Lion Dick recommended this go to the Budget Committee.
 Lion Tom recommended a banner to be displayed at the SKP to recognize the Brandel-Murphy Grant. Lion Annette pointed out it would be a one-time thing and we should not incur a lot of cost. Lion Dick will look into it and report to the Board.
 Taste of Grand Island: $50 if we decide to participate. We will discuss next meeting
 Picnic for the Blind: Lions Henry and Annette volunteer driving guests to the picnic. Lion Tom W. suggested we advertise this in the Dispatch. Lion Dick suggested volunteers have their pictures taken to show our service.
 Lions were encouraged to read the 20N Newsletter. Corresponding Secretary Kelly will forward to our membership.
Lion Annette:
 SKP is on target with insurance in place, toilets, horses, and etc all at the same price as last year.
Lion Bob Goulding:
 Reported collection of pull-tabs netted our club $23 for 55lbs of tabs. He will no longer be doing this for the Lions and will leave the efforts for St Stephens to take over.
Next BOD Meeting July 27th
Meeting adjourned 8:30PM
Respectfully Submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky


Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
July 27, 2016
Attendance: (11 in attendance) Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Donna Lavallee, Dave Chervinsky, Kelly McGarvey, Shelia Ferrentino, Bob Goulding, Anne Fahning.  Lion President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Motion to accept minutes from the previous meeting by Henry, seconded
by Lion Bob, all in favor, motion passed.
White Cane: White cane will be on 8/14 and 8/15. Lion Norm is chair of this event. We will be stationed at Tops and First Niagara. There is a sign up sheet is circulating. There are still several slots that need to be filled.  Please contact Lion Norm if you are able to help.  Special Kids Picnic: Lion Annette: We hosted 1016 kids and staff, 110 volunteers, 18 from our club. All the bills are not submitted yet. There were about 40 bus drivers. All vendors kept to their prices. The BLC will try to keep the price at $2500. Things went well and Lion Annette will get the Thank you letters out to those who offered services. $4304 estimate of expenses, meat bill is unknown.
Lion Anne said the boats rides were grouped so that the wait will not be as long. Lion Tom R: Life jackets should be worn, the Boat US organization will loan life jackets as long as they get publicity and pictures of the event.  Perhaps kids could have the life jackets on the dock, then they can take them off 200 should be sufficient. Cost would only be shipping cost. Lion Tom will try to get pricing on the shipping. Discussion on sponsor. Lion Tom has a name of a new boat captain that offered his boat. Lion Annette will send out thank you notes when she gets the list of boats from Lion Anne. The boat captains get a plaque in the year that they served. A promo photos were put in the district and Lion Dave has submitted some photos for the Island Papers. We were overstaffed on the dock and those extra were in the way. The food ran very smoothly and people did not have to wait. The kids loved the petting zoo.
Budget for the 60th year club anniversary:
Lion Tom: $500 is budgeted for this event in October.  Treasurers report that SKP has budgeted $5100, but we usually only spend $4300, so we will budget $4500 to free up some spending in the general budget.
Budget Committee: Committee met
General and welfare budgets: were reviewed. The budget will be emailed out for review. Lion Tom W will present the budget at the second meeting in September.
Lion Henry: that we purchase 28 blank certificates from LCIF for recurring volunteers and contributors to the SKP. Lion Henry will write something to Niagara Frontier Publications special recognition to contributors and to Isle de Grande. We will put something in the District newsletter thanking the Brandel Murphy contribution. Lion Tom will find out how to get this in the D20 magazine.
Anthone Project: We will publicize this service in a press release “Eyes on America” October 7, 2016. Lion Tom W will email the announcement that he has shared with NFP for the past couple of years.  Committee: Lion Dick will email the committee heads from last year.
St.Lukes: They will accept any items we do not want in the loan closet.  We will do this in the next month when it is cooler. A date to clean out the loan closet will be set at this meeting.
Memorial Tree Program: Through the Grand Island Parks and Recreation department. Emerald Ash Bore most of these trees are affected between 40-60%. The town is looking to put together a pilot project together replace the trees that have to be taken down.
There is a local Girl Scout starting a project that we have the opportunity to help with. More discussion to come.
White Cane: Dates are set 8/19 and 8/20. Lion Norm has an email out for participants. Lion Shelia thought it would be nice to hand something to promote the activities that we are involved with during the calendar year. Business cards, we have a lot but they say Byblos. Half sheet of paper or a postcard with dollar amounts to show the impact we have on the GI Community.  Lion Shelia will email what she has to LP Dick and he will look into having them put on postcards.
Lion Annette had a list of past members that maybe could be invited to the 60th anniversary dinner. We will try to reach out to these past members.
Discussion on upcoming meetings. Meeting dates are as follows:
September 14 Radisson Inn - general meeting
September 28 Buffalo Launch Club
October 14 Merritton Lion Dave will send an email to confirm, we had a verbal commitment at the SKP.
October 26= 60th Anniversary Celebration at the BLC DG Governor visit and possible new induction Nov 09 – Radisson Inn, Board meeting to follow general meeting Dec 14 - Christmas Party BLC, Board meeting TBD Jan. 11 Radisson Inn, Board meeting to follow Feb 08 - BLC, Board meeting to follow, Prepare slate of officers March 08 – Radisson Inn, Board meeting to follow General meeting.
April 12 BLC, Club election, nominations from the floor
Monday April 14 for Spaghetti Dinner
April 26 At Merritton
May 10 BLC
May 24 – Radisson Inn
June 14, Installation Dinner BLC
July 19, 2017 Special Kids Picnic
DeGlopper Memorial Park: They will be selling pavers for $175. We will discuss this at the first meeting in September. To present this to the general membership at the first meeting.
Gary Tucker: proposal for a donation to the SKP for $1000, requests that there be a first aid table and a banner. Motion that we accept this be Lion Tom R, seconded by Lion Shelia, motion passed.
For the good of the club:
Lion Tom R; Joint meeting with Zonta, Rotary and other service club. LP Dick and PLP Tom R will work on this.
Lion Tom W; requesting money for a new treasurers binder; Bonding: our club should seek bonding, Lion Tom will find out the cost and we can vote on it. The district goes through First Niagara. NF Radio reading service split club raffle, drawing on September 28, we have a $100 in the budget.  Lion Tom W made a motion to spend the budget money on these tickets.
Seconded by Lion Henry. Vote: All in favor Motion passed.  Participation in the Taste of Grand Island September 24 between noon-8 PM. Motion by Lion Tom W seconded Lion Shelia, that we participate in the Taste of GI for $50. We could sell Bon Ton community days booklets, raffle basket and we could recruit government seniors looking for volunteer hours to come and help. Vote taken, motion passed.
Lion Annette has emblems that need to be sewn on the banner or a new emblem banner. Lion Annette will ask Lion Paul K to help with this.  Lion Annette will send out the new members email again.  District 20N Cabinet Meeting: Will be 8/06 at Knights of Columbus 2838 South Park Ave in Buffalo, NY. Lion Tom W will represent.  Next Board meeting 8/24 place TBD.
We need a date to get together at the loan closet, those who are able to meet this Friday at 9 AM Motion to adjourn by Lion tom W seconded by Lion Henry: Meeting adjourned:
8:21 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna
Grand Island Lions Club BOD Meeting August 24th 2016
Attendance: (13 in attendance) Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Donna Lavallee, Fred Ruocco, Kelly McGarvey, Shelia Ferrentino, Bob Goulding, Anne Fahning, Brooks Rimes, Paul Krupa, Dan Morabito.  Lion President Dick Crawford called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM.
Correspondence: Lion Kelly
Newfane Lions Invitation for 75th Anniversary: Anyone interested in attending RSVP to Lion Kevin Ketch 778-7243 by 9/9/16 $35/person “No one fights alone”, fundraiser for the family of Larry Little, Larry has been battling lung cancer. The fundraiser is to offset medical bills. He is not a Lion but his friends are reaching out to the community for support. The event is at the Braunshidle Post 205 Delaware Ave on 10/22 from 2-8 PM.  Batavia Downs gaming Lions Night Out, invitation to races and packages the weekend of November 18 and 19th .  Community Days at Bon Ton: Nov 9-12, Lion Kelly picked up 100 books, selling can begin as early as September. Our club needs to sell a minimum of 75 booklets to be able to sell in the store. There was a suggestion to sell at the Taste of Grand Island on 9/24/16.
White Cane: $2610 was collected a big thank-you to Lion Norm for organizing.  Recommendations would be to have a longer shift at Tops and perhaps an additional road shift. We had great club support but we need total participation to cover the extra shifts.
60th anniversary Dinner: 10/26th; Lion Henry
Lion Henry price is $37 choice of 3 entrees, hors devours, dessert. A list of people to invite is requested. The celebration will be Wednesday 10/12 at the BLC. We should invite Merrittan, Presidents of Rotary and Zonta clubs, perhaps the elected officials. The current DG and VDG the club would pick up the tab for DG and VDG, spouses of DG and VDG would have to pay.  We are anticipating that we will have one new member to induct. Jake Tucker. Lion Annette has distributed the program via email; input by the membership is encouraged. An Uplinger Award will be presented to the BLC on 10/12, the Commodore and guest will be will be invited at the expense of the club. Motion to include the cake in the cost for an overall cost of $40/person to supplement the cost of cake and the cost of Uplinger winners.  Seconded by Lion Kelly. Lion Dick will ask his sister to bake the cake.
Vote: all in favor. Motion passed.
Committee assignments will be settled at the first meeting of the year.
LP Dick will distribute for review.
Treasurer’s report: Lion Tom W
The balances of the general and welfare budgets were discussed. There are outside checks that need to be cashed. Discussion regarding the number of members. 25 individual members and 2 couple memberships for a total of 29 members. Motion to accept the treasurer’s report, Lion Henry, seconded by Lion Anne. Vote: all in favor, motion passed. Budget has been updated and requires a vote. Discussion:
Lion Anne: Motion to accept the 2016-2017 budget as written with the caveat that the board can update as needed, seconded by Lion Brooks. Vote: all in favor, motion passed.
Audit committee: meeting time TBD. Lion Tom W, LP Dick, Lion Brooks and Lion Henry.
Bonding: the LCIF has a $400 policy /year the offers a coverage of up to $500,000 with a $1000 deductible. Lion Tom is awaiting a return call from First Niagara Bank. Discussion was had regarding the necessity of this. If our reserves stay low there may not be a need. This issue will be carried over to the next board meeting.
Any donations collected are not tax deductible at this time, however, that may change. Lion Tom will keep us posted.
Person that requested help for Mr. Olzsanski with help around his home is still being considered.
Vision screenings; Lion Tom will get together with Lion Donna Taste of GI: 9/24 runs from noon to 8 PM. Discussion: participation is needed. Lion Henry states that we need a person to chair this event. We could sell food, do raffles, and sell novelties. Bon Ton books could be sold. We have already paid for participation in this event, $50. 9 board members indicated that they would be available.  There may also be other club members available. Signage is needed.  Banner, popcorn, 50 cents a bag. The rules and regulations will be sent out by Lion Tom and LP Dick will make sure that the times are covered.
Memorial Tree Program: LP Dick
LCIF has an environmental initiative. The town will be doing a pilot program to take down trees damaged by the ash borer. We would like to have our club donate some trees to replace the infected trees.  Lion Brooks would like to be involved in this. GI is currently has ash trees affected by 30-60% with the ash borer. The projection is that this will continue to spread. The town task force is meeting on this tomorrow. More information to follow One Island One team: The group will host a substance abuse program coalition discussing what has been done thus far and what can be accomplished to get more parents involved. The meeting will be 9/15 from 6-8 PM at the Niagara Sailing Club. Between 2 and 4 Lions should try to be in attendance.  Cindy Sharpe, the nurse at the High School will be conducting the meeting. Lion Dick will send out information to the membership.  Beeper Ball: Ray Wheeler grant and our contribution totaled $750. This was presented at the start of a Miracle League game on Sunday. The money raised was strictly for the equipment.
Round Table:
Lion Donna: Has extra LCIF 100 year anniversary pins circulated Lion Tom: Flag patch, should we buy a new banner? Lion Paul K will look up the cost of a new banner.
Lion Bob: glasses 238 eyeglasses 30 sunglasses, 52 glass cases. Glasses and hearing aids could be collected at the Taste of GI. Lion Bob will put together a press release. Prospective new member Don Dee.  Lion Paul: will contact a friend in conservation regarding the memorial tree program.
Lion Tom W: 60th anniversary patch. District directories are available for those active in the district.
Discussion on upcoming meetings. Meeting dates are as follows:
September 14 Radisson Inn - general meeting 6:30 social, meeting to begin at 7 PM.
September 28 Buffalo Launch Club
October 12 Merritton Lion Dave will send an email to confirm. LP Dick will look into hosting the get together at the Niagara Sailing Club October 26 – 60th Anniversary Party at the BLC, DG visit and new member induction.
Meeting adjourned 8:16 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna

Board Meeting Grand Island Lions Club September 28, 2016

Attendance:  LP Dick, Paul Krupa, Fred Ruocco, Brooks Rimes, Tom Rusert, Bob Goulding, Henry Lobl, Tom Witkowski, Anne Fahning, Donna Lavallee.


Eye on America: 
$65 person, $125 per couple.  We have donated in the past.  Motion by Lion Anne to purchase 2 tickets for $125 then raffle them off at our meeting with Merritton meeting, seconded by Lion Henry.  Discussion; 5 in favor, 6 opposed.  Lion Paul Motion to donate $125 to Eyes on America in lieu purchasing dinner tickets, seconded by Lion Brooks.  Discussion.  All in favor, Motion passed.

Lion Tom Rusert:
Bottle Junction charities, Lion Paul K. Motion to sign up at Bottle Junction to have donations to go to Lions Club.  Seconded by Lion Bob.  Vote: all in favor, Motion passed.  We discussed having a promotion picture; Lion Tom will look into this.

Lion Bob:
Eyeglass report:  191 glasses to Wal-Mart, 30 sunglasses 155 good glass cases to helping hands.  6 Hearing aids to Lion Donna.  Lion Donna will email this information to Lion Kelly.

Meeting adjourned 9:06 PM   Submitted by Lion Donna

Board of Directors Meeting
November 09, 2016

Attendance:  11 LP Dick, Tom Witkowski, Henry Lobl, Dave Chervinsky, Fred Ruocco, Bob Goulding, Brooks Rimes, Annette Lobl, Paul Krupa, Kelly McGarvey, Donna Lavallee

Board meeting was called to order at 8:50 PM

Clarification of the email canvasing
Request from former Lion Mike Steinagel to transfer to another club as a member in good standing.  LP Dick will write a letter to Mike instructing him what needs to be done.
1. He must pay his dues prior to 12/31/2016
2. He needs to send in a request letter for transfer to another club.  This correspondence can be sent to our PO Box.
3. If he chooses not to do this, he can just join another club.

Motion the donation Lion R and Lion Paul the $60 go into General fund.  All in favor.  The additional $250 donation will go toward the 60th anniversary dinner.

Lion Kelly:  there are some pins that the club does not have, the pins are $30 from LCIF, Lion Dave will post the pins needed in the newsletter and we will try to recycle.

Lion Tom, we have dwindling money on the general fund, Lion Tom will keep the board informed.

Braille Group of Buffalo is on the budget.  This will be paid.
MDA, Lion Shelia will look into having someone in to speak.

Brandel Murphy, super bowl tickets, this is a budgeted item.

Motion to adjourn Paul K, seconded Lion Tom R
Meeting adjourned 9:10 PM
